1982 – 1990
I moved to Fort Collins, Colorado in 1981 and stayed there for 38 years, the longest I ever lived anywhere. I’d had a neighbor in New Jersey who was born in Fort Collins. I told him I was thinking of moving to Colorado or New Mexico, somewhere with a university, small enough that I could be out of it in 15 minutes and in the mountains. He suggested I look at Fort Collins.
I loved the west—I loved the openness, I loved the landscape, the dry air which made colors more brilliant. I brought my five-year-old kiln with me from New Jersey and used it until I left Colorado. I even kept some of the boxes the kiln came in and turned them into sculpture stands.
I’m never completely satisfied with my work, which is why I sometimes make two, three or four of the same subject. I do several sculptures of the same subject in different media.